Project Background
Following recent safety audits carried out by National Highways on their Surface Water Pump Stations, their findings highlighted that when carrying out maintenance works on the wet wells, many of the current access covers did not offer any fall protection whilst working above the openings.
Our Solution to deliver the works
To supply and Install 2no new spring-assisted manhole covers to include the following works:
• Remove existing Covers from working area.
• Clean down surfaces to receive new covers.
• Install 6-part upstand Unit securing in place with adequate fixings as per manufacturer’s instructions
• Hi-Ab Lorry to lift and manoeuvre existing and new covers to avoid Manual Handling.
• Fit Torsion spring assist lift hinged upstanding type access cover complete with safety stay, complete with Hinged ladder style safety grid
• Pedestrian loading only – FACTA CLASS A
• Slip reducing material applied to the top surface of the unit
• Padlock facility – housed beneath cowl on top of the cover
• Tidying the surrounding areas upon completion, leaving the site clean and tidy.
Providing Solutions From Start to Finish:
This project is now complete, a programme is now in place to identify other assets that require upgrading, these will be identified during our 6 monthly Inspection programmes and recommended to our client for approval.