This statement is made on behalf of PPV Group ltd and its subsidiaries pursuant to section 54(1) of the modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ‘Act’) and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement.

Our Approach

As a reputable contracting company working for large publicly and privately owned businesses we always work to the highest ethical standards and comply with all laws, regulations and rules relevant to our business.

Our reputation as a business is paramount and we take our corporate and social responsibilities very seriously. We fully accept that our relationships with those we deal with, whether clients, employees, shareholders, suppliers or the local community, are key to our success and as such we take our obligations and commitments to those people extremely seriously.

We expect the same high standards from those we work with and we are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. 

Supplier Due Diligence

Our approved supplier pre-qualification due diligence process includes evaluating every new supplier before approval and reviewing them annually, including questions and confirmation that no slavery is used in their business and/or supply chain and that all necessary processes and policies have been put in place to ensure this remains the case. 

Warranties that no slavery is used anywhere in the supplier’s business or by any of the suppliers in its supply chain and that all necessary processes and policies have been put into place to ensure that this remains the case.

Further Improvement Process

We are currently reviewing our entire procurement process and will be introducing specific measures to ensure that our obligations under the Act are passed through our supply chain.

These will include reviewing our standard forms of contract to include:

  • A contractual right to request compliance-related information and the right to audit suppliers at our discretion.
  • The addition of indemnity provisions and the right to terminate for breach or our anti-slavery policy, into our supply contracts.
Training of Staff

The company provides training which will be available to all staff and compulsory to all staff involved in recruitment and sourcing/managing a supply chain so that they are able to identify risk factors, understand the implications and assist us with implementing the anti-slavery policies effectively.

Matthew Coleman
Managing Director

Mark Reed
M&E / Facilities Director / HR Lead